Tuesday, 6 February 2018

IDEA- Representation to Ministry of Defence


Lt Gen Giriraj Singh, SM
Director General,
Ordinance Services,
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Room no. - 200,
A – Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi

corrigendum number 08

Request for Proposal (RFP) No A/18231/Elect Fz Arty Amn//MApI/OS-Amn Proc Published on 11.01.2018 vide corrigendum number 08 issued by master general of ordnance branch, Directorate General of Ordinance Services, os – amn proc, room no. 211/206, 2nd floor, d-ii wing, sena bhawan, integrated hq of mod (Army), dhq po, Ministry of Defence, Government of India for supply of 4,99,400 quantities of electronic fuze for arty gun systems

Dear Sir,

We are herewith enclosing a copy of our letter dated 18.01.2018 which was sent to you earlier requesting you for extension of the last date for submission of rfp up to 31.03.2018 from 12.02.2018.

We also wish to mention that the Corrigendum to the RFP now issued dated 11.1.2018 appears to be self -contradictory as per the details given below:

(i)          Bid submission end date has been mentioned as 12.2.2018 and bid opening start date has been mentioned as 13.2.2018 in the corrigendum whereas under column 13 of the RFP at page 12 it has been mentioned as under.

Clarification Regarding Contents of the RFP – A prospective bidder who requires clarification regarding the contents of the bidding documents shall notify to the buyer in writing about the clarification sought not later than four weeks from uploading of RFP.  Copies of the query and clarification by the purchaser will be sent to all prospective bidders who have received the bidding documents by the buyer.  A pre bid meeting will be held on ……..at south block.

(ii)        This therefore means the time given for seeking clarification is four weeks from the date of issue of the RFP.  The RFP has been issued on 11.1.2018 and four weeks ends on 8th February 2018. 

(iii)       After 8th February it will be circulated to all prospective bidders and this process would also take another four to six weeks.   This would bring us to the third week of March 2018.

(iv)       After this a pre bid meeting would be held and the date for the same has to be finalised by your office as it has been left blank in the RFP issued on 11.1.2018 but we presume it would be sometimes in the first week of April 2018.

(v)         And subsequently the final clarifications would be issued to all and a date fixed for submission and opening of the RFP.  This means the RFP opening would get postponed till end of April. 

(vi)       This therefore implies that the bid opening cannot take place on 13.2.2018 as mentioned in the corrigendum issued on 11.1.2018.

In view of above we would request you to kindly provide us with the dates for pre bid meeting  and the final date for submission of the RFP and opening of the same, which as per above calculations would be end of April 2018.

Looking forward to your kind cooperation and an early announcement on the dates for pre bid meeting and extension of the date of submission of RFP

Warm Regards
For Infrastructure Development Entrepreneurs’ Association (IDEA)

Kuldeep Kumar Kohli

Copy to:

Maj Gen Shantanu Dayal, SM, VSM
Additional Director General (Procurement),
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Room no. 209, A - Wing Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110011

Maj Gen Rajesh Rana, VSM
Additional Director General
Ordinance Services,
Technical Stores,
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Sena Bhawan, 212, D - II Wing,
New Delhi – 110011

Brig Sanjay Mitra
Deputy Director General,
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Office of ADG Procurement,
Room no. 213,
A - Wing Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110011

Col Ravi Madhok
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Office of ADG Procurement,
A - Wing Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110011

Lt Col Devesh Singh
Ordinance Services,
Amn Procurement,
Ministry of Defence,
Government of India,
Office of DG (OS),
211/206, D-II - Wing

Sena Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011

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